Monday, January 29, 2018 / by Kimette Hughes
Hosting a Yard Sale

When you have been in a home for a while, you accumulate a lot of things. Your life gets busy and you don’t always have time to go through all your things. When you do have time, the best way to get rid of some long unused items it to have a yard sale.
A yard sale, garage sale, estate sale, whatever you want to call it is a great way to clear out the clutter in your home and you get the added benefit of getting a little bit of money for something you were going to get rid of anyway. There is a lot of things you can do to have a successful garage sale. Here are a few tips you can use.
There are some great ways to get the word out about your yard sale. Many people just like to use a few signs to get the word out and involve just a few blocks. As there may be a lot of yard sales in a particular time period, take the time to get a
Reach out to Neighbors
As previously talked about, make it a neighborhood sale. If you plan a few weeks to a month in advance, getting neighbors involved will cause an increase in traffic. They will all be able to plan for their own sales and you can even advertise it as such. People are more likely to visit your
The pricing at a garage sale is key. You want to be able to price an item at a level where someone will want to purchase
Old electronics are often a big part of yard sales. Make sure you allow people to test them so they feel confident the item is in working condition.
Displaying items
Make sure to group like items in similar areas.
Bring out everything
Don’t be afraid to bring out things you think might not sell. On the other hand, if you don’t want to sell something, make sure you leave it inside. We had people actually come to our garage sale and walk into the garage and ask if things in there were for sale. We even had someone ask about the chairs we were sitting in.
Yard sales can be a great way to get rid of clutter in your home. When planning ahead, you can have a successful sale not only getting rid of unwanted items but making a little money in exchange.